The Night Gardener
by Jonathan Auxier
Genre: Juvenile fiction
Synopsis: The Night Gardener follows two abandoned Irish siblings who travel to work as servants at a creepy, crumbling English manor house. But the house and its inhabitants are not quite what they seem. Soon, the children are confronted by a mysterious stranger-and an ancient curse that threatens their very lives.
from the book jacket
Review: This would not have been a book that I would have picked up on my own but it was picked for a book club with sixth graders at my school and I decided to participate. I'm glad that I read this book because it was very engaging, mysterious, and suspenseful. The book was fairly dark but definitely enjoyable. I thought the descriptions in the book were fantastic and really gave me good images of what the tree and the night gardener looked like which made the book even more creepy! The students that I spoke to really enjoyed the book and had great discussions. I did feel that some of the language (Molly and Kit were the Irish siblings and they spoke with an Irish accent-if that makes any sense) might be hard for some younger readers of this book.
Rating: 4 stars
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