The Unfortunate Importance of Beauty
by Amanda Filipacchi
Genre: Fiction
Synopsis: A magical and comedic take on modern love, the power of friendship, and the allure of disguise.
Meet the Knights of Creation, a group of artistic friends in New York City, struggling with society's standards of beauty. At the center are Barb and Lily, two women at opposite ends of the beauty spectrum, but with the same problem: each fears she will never find a love that can overcome her looks. Barb, a stunningly beautiful costume designer, makes herself ugly in hopes of finding true love. Meanwhile, her friend Lily, a brilliantly talented but plain-looking musician, goes to fantastic lengths to attract the man who has rejected her-with results that are so touching as they are transformative.
To complicate matters, Barb and Lily discover that they may have a murderer in their midst, that Barb's calm disposition is more dangerously provocative than her beauty ever was, and that Lily's musical talents are more powerful that anyone could have imagined.
from the book jacket
Review: At first I thought this book was going to be a relatively light chick lit book about a woman who was struggling with her image but then it started to get a little strange and magical and I wasn't sure I liked it. But then it went so over the top that it was funny and I realized it is supposed to be a farce. Once I realized that I liked the book more because I could look at it in a non-serious way and just fine the humor in how overboard the author went. There are plenty of places where I laughed or chuckled. But then the end went a little too far which made me like the book a little less. Just to warn you in case you decide to read this book, Barb's doorman does have an affinity for swearing and doing so quite vulgarly. I think this book takes the right type of reader and for the reader to want to read something very quirky.
Rating: 3 1/2 stars
Rating: 3 1/2 stars
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