Mystic Summer
by Hannah McKinnon
Genre: Chick Lit
Synopsis: Maggie Griffin is a hardworking elementary school teacher in a tony Boston suburb, a devoted sister, and a loving aunt. With her childhood best friend's wedding on the horizon and her own relationship moving even deeper into commitment, this is the summer she has been waiting for. She's eared it.
But when Maggie's career is suddenly thrown into jeopardy, it sparks an unraveling of all that matters most to her. Stricken, Maggie returns to her childhood home in seaside Mystic, Connecticut, where she expects to find comfort in family and familiarity. Instead, she finds Cameron Wilder, a young man from her past who has also returned home and whose life has altered in ways that put her own struggles in harsh perspective. When tragedy strikes for Cameron, Maggie must ask herself: If you go back home, can you truly return to what you left behind?
from the back of the book
Review: This book was just what I needed to end my hiatus of reading. This was a light romance beach read but it kept me entertained and engaged. This book was a bit meatier than some other romance novels. The romance was a bit predictable. There were some moments of the book that I questioned why it was added to the book such as a discussion about Post Partum Depression. It just didn't add anything to the book and it seemed to be forced into the dialogue. If you're looking for a beach read this is a good one to pick up.
Rating: 3.5 stars
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