Red Queen
by Victoria Aveyard
Genre: Young Adult Fiction, Fantasy
Synopsis: Mare Barrow's world is divided by blood-those with red and those with silver. Mare and her family are lowly Reds, destined to serve the Silver elite whose supernatural abilities make them nearly gods. Mare steals what she can to help her family survive, but when her best friend is conscripted into the army she gambles everything to win his freedom. A twist of fate leads her to the royal palace itself, where, in front of the king and all his nobles, she discovers a power of her own-an ability she didn't know she had. Except her blood is Red.
To hide the impossibility, the king forces her into the role of a lost Silver princess and betroths her to one of his own sons. As Mare is drawn further into the Silver world, she risks her new position to aid the Scarlet Guard-the leaders of a Red rebellion. Her actions put into motion a deadly and violent dance, pitting prince against prince-and Mare against her own heart.
from the book jacket
Review: This book's concept was intriguing-to have two types of people-ones with superpowers and ones without but then Mare appears and seems to be both types of people. Mare is fairly standoff-ish and cold but through the book we grow to like her because she is standing up for what she believes in and she is not afraid of the more powerful people around her. There is a romance story here, a love triangle between Mare and two men. I figured there was no way for Mare to end up with the one character but that was who I was rooting for! There was plenty of action and drama. The twist at the end caught be by surprise. I imagine I will eventually read the next two books in the series but I'm not rushing out to grab them like I did with other series.
Rating:4 stars
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