Between Friends
by Kristy Kiernan
Genre: Women's Fiction
Synopsis: There was a time when Ali Guiterrez would have been forced to give up on her dreams of motherhood. But thanks to modern reproductive technology-and the gift of her best friend Cora's eggs-Ali is the mother of fourteen-year-old Letty.
Now, yearning for a second child, Ali asks her best friend's permission to use another of the frozen embryos that have been stored away in anticipation of this decision. But Cora has a secret that could change Ali's plan for the future-and tear apart her life right now...
from the back of the book
Review: This book is going to be difficult to review based on the synopsis as it gives nothing away as to what happens in the story. It also isn't a great summary of what the book is about. Based on the synopsis I thought this book was going to be more about the trials of having a baby and about friendship between Ali and Cora. But not's not entirely true. This book is told in three perspective: Ali's, Cora's and Letty's. Adding Letty as a narrator changes the story to include much teenage angst. I was not looking for a book about that and I just wanted to shake Letty at times and tell her to grow up. I also wanted to knock some sense into Ali and make her realize that she needed to do something about her errant daughter. There was also quite a bit of the story about Ali's relationship with her husband, Benny. There was not a lot about Ali trying to have another baby. It was brought up but that was not the main story. There was a secret about Cora but she didn't come out and tell Ali about it right away. It was this thing we knew about but we had no idea when she was going to tell Ali. In fact that seemed to be a common thread with many of the characters-no one would just come out and say what they wanted to say. That drove me nuts a little bit. Once all the secrets came out the book moved along at a much quicker pace. The last quarter of the book was emotional and heart wrenching.
Rating: 3.5 stars
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