Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Waking Beauty

Waking Beauty
by Leah Wilcox
Illustrated by Lydia Monks

Genre: Fractured Fairy Tale, Picture Book

Synopsis: Prince Charming is a horrible listener.  Sleeping Beauty's fairies try to tell him how to wake her up, but he keeps interrupting them with his own silly ideas (jumping on her bed, throwing water on her...).

Will he ever understand that she won't have ever-after bliss until he was her with a KISS?!
From the book jacket

Review: This was a funny take on the classic Sleeping Beauty.  The fairies try to get the prince to give Sleeping Beauty a kiss and they keep rhyming their phrases so it should rhyme with kiss but he interrupts and does something else.  Each time my kids would try to fill in kiss but then they would giggle over what the prince did.  This book was quite silly and easy to read with its rhyme scheme.

Rating: 4 stars

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