Thursday, June 18, 2015

Meet Samantha

Meet Samantha
Susan Adler

Meet Samantha: An American Girl

Genre: Chapter Book

Summary (from Goodreads): Samantha Parkington is a bright Victorian beauty being raised by her wealthy grandmother in 1904. Samantha's stories describe her life during this important period of change. Her own world is filled with frills and finery, parties and play. But Samantha sees that times are not good for everybody. That's why she tries to make a difference in the life of her friend Nellie, a servant girl whose world is nothing like Samantha's Samantha befriends a servant girl named Nellie who moves in next door. The girls become fast friends, though their lives are different.
Review:  (Review by Amelia, but I have corrected spelling errors.)  Samantha is a nine year old girl who lives with her grandmother, Grandmary.  Her clothes are different than ours because she is always supposed to wear a dress and this kind of itchy underwear. I did like the book because it was fun and it teaches me about the past.  I would not want to live in Samantha's time because I would have to wear itchy underwear from September to June.  My favorite part of the book was when she gave her doll to a servant girl named Nellie.  I liked it because she was being kind.  I would like to recommend this book to a kid who likes American Girl dolls or a kid who likes to learn about the past.

Rating: 4 stars

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