Saturday, January 11, 2014

Who Pushed Humpty Dumpty?

Who Pushed Humpty Dumpty?
by David Levinthal
Illustrated by Johhn Nickle

Genre: Picture Book, Fractured Fairy Tale

Synopsis: Break-in at the bear family home?  It could only be one dame.

Wicked witch gone missing from her candied cottage.  Hansel and Gretel claim it was self-defense.

Did Humpty Dumpty really fall off that wall, or was he pushed?  Police Officer Binky is on the case. (Did someone call for a toad in a fedora?)

Discover clues, follow leads, get the confession, and solve the crime with Officer Binky in  these deliciously funny noir-style retellings of classic stories.
From the Book jacket

Review:  I thought this book was very cleverly written.  The author tells the story of the various fairy tales but in the format of investigating a crime.  I really liked the noir-style writing as I don't think I've seen that in a picture book before.  Perhaps it went over my 4 year old's heads though.  It was a bit long for them.  Maybe you could read just one story at a time rather than the whole book.  Or maybe this is better for slightly older children.

Rating: 4 stars

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